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Moving Through It: Getting An Application Reviewed

Posted May 29, 2023

PJ Hagerty

Many developers and partners build applications using the Spotify for Developers platform. Whether it is something short-term for an artist’s release or something more long term that integrates songs, albums, and playlists with different audiences, the chance for success when your application takes off is always possible.

So what happens when things start to grow and you need to request a quota extension? Let’s take a look at what you need to do (and maybe not do) to successfully have an extension granted and for your application to thrive in the Spotify ecosystem.

Spotify's quota extension request process is designed to manage the usage of resources and maintain a high-quality experience for all users. The process sets limits on various aspects of extension functionality, including the number of requests you can make to the Spotify API within a specific time frame. By adhering to these quotas, you contribute to a stable environment for both developers and users. The expected turnaround time is about six weeks.

We start with the mechanics: while on the correct Development Mode application, head to Settings => Extension Request to bring up the Quota Form and begin the process. Once the request is completed and our team receives the form, the review process is kicked off and can involve a few back and forth communications between our team and yours.

The most important thing to remember is that the extension request process is an iterative process. It is a matter of the developer and the Spotify team finding exactly where things need to be in order for the application to find its audience.

The Spotify for Developers team makes their decision based on certain criteria from the application. This starts with the application information, images, APIs/SDKs used, and extends into things like the Terms of Service. These terms are updated regularly so it is important to review them to ensure nothing is missed when submitting the extension request.

An example of this is our updated terms on using Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Models (AI/LLM) when consuming the Spotify API. Since this is a new and emerging field, we felt it was important to update the Terms of Service to clarify that using Spotify data or information to train models is outside the scope of what the platform is built for.

Once this compliance is ensured, we take a look at the remaining Developer Policy and Design Guidelines. It is important to comply with these guidelines if you hope to successfully navigate the extension process and all it entails. This can often be the key to receiving a quota extension or having an application blocked.

Some tips on getting your application extension granted include:

  • Avoid making excessive or redundant requests and strive to bundle multiple actions into a single request whenever possible. By minimizing the number of requests made, you ensure efficient utilization of your allocated quota and reduce the risk of encountering rate limit restrictions.
  • Implementing an intelligent caching mechanism within your extension can significantly reduce the reliance on frequent API calls. By storing and retrieving frequently accessed data locally, you can minimize the need for repetitive requests. However, it is crucial to keep the cached data up to date and respect Spotify's guidelines regarding data freshness.
  • Spotify imposes rate limits to prevent abuse and maintain a fair environment for all developers. As part of complying with the Extension Quota Request process, it is essential to monitor your usage and be prepared to handle rate limit responses from the API. Implementing proper error handling and fallback strategies will ensure smooth functionality even when rate limits are encountered.
  • Regular testing and optimization of your extension are vital to ensure compliance with Spotify's quotas. Perform load testing to simulate high user activity and verify that your extension operates within the established limits. Continuously analyze and optimize your code to improve efficiency and minimize unnecessary resource consumption.

Complying with Spotify's Extension Quota Request process is crucial for maintaining a fair and sustainable ecosystem for both developers and users. By thoroughly understanding the program's guidelines and implementing these best practices, you can ensure that your Spotify extension operates smoothly and within the allocated quotas.

Remember, adhering to Spotify's guidelines not only demonstrates your commitment to ethical development but also enhances the overall experience for Spotify users and helps create exceptional applications that bring joy and value to millions of music enthusiasts worldwide.